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The aim of this project is giving children from underprivileged backgrounds the opportunity to experience different enriching and interesting after school activities that can nurture their creative passions and shape them into well rounded individuals.

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Unfortunately, as with most things, children from impoverished families suffer when it comes to their choice of after school activities, either due to their families not being able to afford it or due to inaccessibility, with schools not having the budgets or councils not investing.


Children attending after school activities tend to have better grades and be more interested in pursuing higher education, they develop better social skills. When it comes to playing sports aside from helping the children engage in teamwork, it is a good deterrent against obesity which is another effect of poverty on children.


After school activities reduce a child’s risk of anxiety and depression, they increase children’s self esteem and lead them to do better academically. Is it not then, unfair to strip the opportunity for this kind of personal growth from some children simply because they don’t have the material means?

Aside from sports we will be supporting the children in attending creative after school activities. In the current climate in the UK, when most people pursuing artistic careers such as music and acting, are coming from upper class, privileged backgrounds (look up how many famous british actors attended Eton) it is more important than ever to encourage children coming from less than desirable circumstances to follow their artistic passions.


We want to provide them with a good selection of activities to choose from, aiming to offer them football, boxing, karate, DJ classes, music production, photography.


  1. Membership per month: £35

  2. Astro-turf trainers: £13

  3. Football kit is provided with the membership

*For a full academic year: £385 plus three pairs of trainers accounting for wear and tear is a total of £424/student


  1. Price per session: £10

  2. Equipment £30

*For a full academic year at 1 session/week: £440 plus the one time equipment purchase is a total of £470/student

DJ Classes:

  1. Price per session (1:1): £40

  2. Price per session (10 children, after school club): £50

*For a full academic year at 1 session/week: £1760/student


*For a full academic year at 1 session/week for a group of 10 students: £2,200 broken down by 10 is £220/student

Music Production:

  1. Membership per month:

*with a regular slot: £89 (for children up to 12) for 30 min lessons

*with a regular slot: £169 (for experienced/older students) for 60 min lessons

*For a full academic year for beginners: £979/year


*For a full academic year for experienced students: £1,859


Assuming a child would start off as beginner for 6 months and move on to experienced for 5 months total yearly cost would be: £1,379


  1. Price per session: £8

  2. Equipment: £45

*For a full academic year at 1 session/week: £352 plus the one time equipment purchase is a total of £397/student


  1. Price per session: £25

  2. DSLR camera: £70

*For a full academic year at 1 session/week: £1100 plus the one time equipment cost comes to a total of £1,170/student


  1. Membership per month: £40


*For a full academic year: £440

To make calculations clearer we will assume the number of children taking the courses would be split evenly, rounding up from 14.28 to 15 children per course, the total cost of this project would come down to:


Football costs per 15 children:






DJ Classes:


Music Production:







To a total of: £75,200 to put this project in practice.

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