C.I.C. No. 15526702

How it started

From the very beginning, my journey into DJing and radio was fuelled by a deep-seated dream and an unwavering passion for music and community.
In those early days, long before the era of social media, it was the people and the community who stood by me, supported me, and ultimately propelled me to where I am today. Their belief in me, their enthusiasm, and their steadfast support were my guiding lights, steering me through the challenges and triumphs of carving out a space in this industry. Now, years later, having achieved a position of influence and strength, I feel a profound sense of gratitude and responsibility towards those who helped me reach these heights.
It's time for me to give back, to use my platform and my voice not just to entertain, but to uplift, to inspire, and to support the community that once lifted me. This isn't just about music; it's about creating a circle of support, encouragement, and opportunity for others, just as it was once created for me.
It's my way of saying 'thank you' and ensuring that the dream that once seemed so distant continues to thrive and resonate within our community.