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Distributing School Bags

According to numerous studies children who start school without adequate supplies are bound to perform badly and not to their full potential. It's pretty easy to see how a child without a ruler might struggle in Math, these children are going to school and starting a step behind their more fortunate peers.


What happens when these kids have access to the proper supplies is not only their increase in marks but behaviour changes as well. Believe it or not, school supplies help children’s confidence as well as their sense of belonging and togetherness, if I tell you that they also help lower rates of misbehaviour and disturbances in the classroom you will think that I am talking about magical school supplies, but it’s true and it shows how important the necessary supplies are to a child’s development.


Overall children who start school with the proper supplies are more motivated, have higher self-esteem, things which extend into higher rates of graduation, pursuing university and better career choices, all of this because they had the proper equipment to facilitate learning.


Because of this the Little Legends Children’s Foundation wants to put into practice this ambitious project, where they will be donating 2500 backpacks to the most in need areas of West, South, East and North London.

The aim of the project is to give out 10,000 backpacks equipped with school supplies to impoverished kids all around London.

By now we all know the importance of education in a child’s life, but have you ever considered how school supplies, or better, the lack thereof is negatively impacting children?

School Notebook and Pencil
Orange Crayon
Children's Scissors
Green Crayon
Purple Crayon

Now, for the cost of the project, purchasing the items in bulk, we have backpacks (£2.25/unit) outfitted with:

  1. 4pce Stationery Sets (£0.32/unit)

  2. Calculators (£1.75/unit)

  3. Mathematics Sets (£0.79/unit)

  4. Reusable Water Bottles (£0.89/unit)

  5. Lunch Bags (£0.95/unit)

  6. USB Reading Lights (£0.9/unit)

  7. Activity Colouring Book (£0.75/unit)

Purchasing enough for ten thousand bags would come to a total of £86,000 which broken down is £8.6 per backpack filled with necessities for these children. For some people that is less than how much they spend commuting to work on the TFL, just £50 would make sure 5 children start the school year with the tools necessary to succeed.

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